
Name Title
Gregg Hallinan Opening Comments
Chris Carilli Conference Summary
Gregg Hallinan Closing Comments

Session A: Telescope Status and Update

Name Title
Randall Wayth Murchison Widefield Array: status and plans
Roberto Pizzo LOFAR
Jayce Dowell The Long Wavelength Array: Status and Updates
Gregg Hallinan The OVRO-LWA
Yashwant Gupta uGMRT
Phillipe Zarka NenuFAR: a giant low-frequency radio telescope in Nançay
Keith Vanderlinde CHIME
Aaron Parsons A First Peek at HERA
Tracy Clarke Low Frequencies on the VLA
Tom Kuiper A Low Frequency Wire Grid Reflector for Space
Colin Lonsdale Status of the RAPID portable imaging array
Joseph Lazio The Sun Radio Imaging Space Experiment
Mary Knapp HeRO: Heliophysics Radio Observer
Tom Gergely The Impact of Clark Lake Radio Observatory: Thirty Years Later

Session B: Calibration and Imaging Techniques

Name Title
Adam Beardsley Progress Towards Direct Imaging Arrays
Michael Eastwood m-Mode Analysis Imaging with the OVRO-LWA
Huib Intema How to SPAM the 150 MHz Sky
Emanuela Orru’ LOFAR Calibration and Imaging Updates
Frank Schinzel Interferometry with the LWA and VLA below 100 MHz
Ryan Monroe Automated real-time removal of broadband, power-line RFI

Session C: Imaging Surveys

Name Title
Jim Condon Science from Surveys
George Heald LOFAR Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS)
Natasha Hurley-Walker The GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky MWA (GLEAM) survey

Session D: Galactic

Name Title
Niels Oppermann Uncovering magnetic field topology from synchrotron polarization
Chenoa Tremblay Molecular Transitions at Low Frequencies with the MWA

Session E: Radio Galaxies and Deep Fields

Name Title
Wendy Williams Deep and sharp imaging with LOFAR: revealing the evolution of AGN
Nissim Kanekar HI 21cm absorption and emission studies at high redshifts
Bryan Gaensler 1500 New Peaked-Spectrum Radio Sources with the MWA
Nick Seymour Probing the First Black Holes with the MWA
Heinz Andernach Towards one thousand giant radio galaxies
Alex Clarke Discovery of a 2.6 Mpc giant radio galaxy with LOFAR
Tessa Vernstrom Low Frequency Radio Constraints on the Synchrotron Cosmic Web
Gulay Gurkan Uygun The low-frequency radio luminosity/star formation rate relation
Anna D. Kapinska NGC253 starburst galaxy at low radio frequencies
David Mulcahy The magnetic fields of external galaxies observed with LOFAR

Session F: Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionization

Name Title
Cathryn Trott Power spectrum systematics for EoR science
Aaron Ewall-Wice The Impact of Modeling Errors on Interferometer Calibration for 21 cm Power Spectra
Nichole Barry Calibration Requirements for Detecting the EoR Power Spectrum
Bart Pindor MWA EOR Observations of the Fornax A Field
Adrian Liu The extended Global Sky Model (eGSM): Modeling the sky from 10 MHz to 5 THz
Nithyanandan Thyagarajan Designing Next-Gen Instruments to Enable Detection of the EoR
Josh Dillon Array Design for the Precision Calibration of HERA
Adam Lanman Precision Simulations of Cosmic Dawn Experiments
Saul Kohn Don’t worry about polarized foregrounds in EoR experiments
Nicholas Kern 21cm Cosmology with Emulators
Raul Monsalve Constraining the Global Redshifted 21-cm Signal with EDGES in the Range 14.8 > z > 6.5
Paul La Plante Measuring the 21 cm Global Signal using Interferometers
Bang Nhan A polarimetric approach for constraining the dynamic foreground spectrum for cosmological global 21-cm measurements

Session G: Clusters and Halos

Name Title
Timothy Shimwell Clusters in the LOFAR Two-meter Sky Survey
Melanie Johnston-Hollitt New Relics and Halos from the MWA GLEAM Survey
Francesco de Gasperin Gentle re-energisation of electrons in merging galaxy clusters
Reinout van Weeren Discovery of Electron Re-Acceleration at Galaxy Cluster Shocks
Błażej Nikiel-Wroczyński LOFAR observations of the Stephan’s Quintet

Session H: Pulsars

Name Title
Vladislav Kondratiev Pulsars at low radio frequencies
Steven Tremblay Millisecond Pulsars Across the MWA Band
Joe Swiggum New Results from the Green Bank North Celestial Cap Survey
Kevin Stovall Pulsar Observations from LWA1
Kishalay De Observations of pulsar microstructure with the GMRT
Sam McSweeney Probing pulsar emission mechanisms with multi-frequency observations of sub-pulse drifting
Pragya Chawla A Search for Fast Radio Bursts with the GBNCC Pulsar Survey

Session I: Transients

Name Title
Antonia Rowlinson Searching for Transient Sources at Low Radio Frequencies
Marin Anderson All-sky transient monitoring with OVRO-LWA
Martin Bell Transients and Variables with the MWA
Christene Lynch 154 MHz detection of faint, polarised flares from UV Ceti
Steve Croft Breakthrough Listen
Emil Lenc Making a Difference in Transient Imaging

Session J: Solar System, the Ionosphere and Cosmic Ray Science

Name Title
George Hospodarsky Observations near Jupiter by the Juno Waves Investigation (slides embargoed)
Masafumi Imai Jupiter’s Low-Frequency Radio Emissions as Viewed from Juno and the Earth-Based Radio Observatories (slides embargoed)
Divya Oberoi Studying the Sun with the Murchison Widefield Array
Sherry Chhabra Imaging Spectroscopy of CME-Associated Solar Radio Bursts with OVRO-LWA
Greg Taylor Measuring the Magnetic and Density Structure of Near-Sun Coronal Mass Ejection
Jason Kooi White-Light and Low Frequency Radio Remote-Sensing of Coronal Mass Ejections
Kenneth Obenberger Dual LWA Station Observations of Meteor Radio Afterglows
Anna Nelles Cosmic rays and air showers through the eyes of digital radio telescopes
Rajan Chhetri Understanding compact sources at low frequencies using interplanetary scintillation with the Murchison Widefield Array
Joseph Malins Single Station GPS Ionospheric Corrections