Schedule On-line
Dear Colleagues,
The Science at Low Frequencies III meeting will take place at Caltech from December 7-9 (Wed-Fri) 2016. The list of participants and talk schedule, together with details on logistics and accommodation, can be found at the conference website - We have reached the full capacity for the conference, with 125 participants. We were substantially oversubscribed in requests for oral presentations and thus have allocated poster slots for some submitted abstracts. Please direct any queries or concerns regarding the schedule to Guidelines for talks and posters can be found at -
Scientific Organizing Committee
Gregg Hallinan - Caltech (chair)
Melanie Johnston-Hollitt - Victoria University of Wellington
Greg Taylor - University of New Mexico
David Kaplan - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Cath Trott - ICRAR/Curtin
George Heald - CSIRO
Rene Vermeulen - ASTRON
Tracy Clarke - Naval Research Laboratory
Jason Hessels - University of Amsterdam / ASTRON
Danny Jacobs - Arizona State University
Yashwant Gupta - NCRA-TIFR
Local Organizing Committee
Marin Anderson - Caltech
Michael Eastwood - Caltech
Ryan Monroe - Caltech
Harish Vedantham - Caltech
Joseph Lazio - JPL
Gregg Hallinan - Caltech