Compared with the optical and X-rays, the exploration of the radio transient sky lags far behind. There is much opportunity for discovery. This motivated the collaboration between Caltech, NRAO, and NCRA to carry out multi-epoch radio surveys in the SDSS Stripe 82 region, thus taking advantage of, and contributing to, the rich multi-wavelength data in this equatorial part of the sky.
This portal is home to these Stripe 82 surveys, carried out with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, and the Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager, which explore the phase space of radio transients on timescales between days and years.
The Palomar Transient Factory has also surveyed a significant fraction of Stripe 82. The resulting optical light curves are also hosted at this portal.
The data access webpages are interactive, which means that you can play around with the radio images online, without downloading them. They also give access the wealth of data in Stripe 82 across the electromagnetic spectrum, such as SDSS, UKIDSS, VLA-Stripe 82, etc.
This section provides access to the Caltech-NRAO Stripe 82 Survey (CNSS; pilot and the full survey) carried out with the Jansky VLA at 3 GHz, and the GMRT 150 MHz Stripe 82 Transients Survey (G1STS). Click on a links below to enter a survey-specific website.