This webpage contains ancilliary data for ATel #6502
20 Sep 2014 - JVLA X-band observations in DnC config
27 May 2003 - VLA X-band observations in A config
(location of southern source is marked by the box)
01 Oct 2014: Update
The images mentioned in the ATel were without selfcal. The southern source becomes diffuse and peak flux density at that position drops to 60+/-8 μJy after two rounds of phase-only selfcal. I've shown the images below. After selfcal, the flux density of H1743-322 increases to 1.25 mJy, and the spectral index decreases slightly to -1.0+/-0.1. The southern component drops to a 5σ source with spectral index -0.5+/-0.4.
04 Oct 2014: Update
James Miller-Jones reduced VLA data from 2009, and informs that there is no source within 30" of H1743-322, even in some of the deepest stacked images with rms noise levels of 27 μJy/beam