The CASPER workshop is a semi-annual workshop where FPGA, GPU, and general heterogeneous system programmers get together to discuss new instruments in radio astronomy, as well as the tools and libraries for developing and manipulating these instruments. This year in particular, the workshop will focus on the next generation of the CASPER toolflow "JASPER" and the hardware it is initially designed to support.
The workshop runs for one week, the 14th - 18th August, and consists of presentations in the morning, followed by various hands-on tutorials and break out sessions in the afternoon.
Further details of the conference can be found on this website, and information on CASPER generally here. Presentations from previous workshops typical of the topics represented can be found at: CASPER 2014.
Registration for the workshop is scheduled to close on June 30, though late registration can be organized via the LOC. Funding is also available to support US based student attendance, please contact the LOC for further details.
Important Dates
Feb 022017First announcement
Mar 092017Second announcement; website goes live; details on logistics and costs; registration opens
Jun 302017Online registration closes
Aug 142017First day of the conference
Organizing Committees
Scientific Organizing Committee
CASPER Advisory Board
Local Organizing Committee
Michael Burke - JPL
Dave Hawkins - JPL
Ryan Monroe - Caltech
Jonathon Kocz - Caltech
Terry Filiba Schrager - JPL
Melissa Soriano - JPL
Cody Vaudrin - JPL